Take a Seat at the Second Amendment Table!

A woman holding a gun while another person holds it.

Want to be respected for your firearms knowledge? There’s no shortcut–just put in the time! by HEIDI LYN RAO posted on March 29, 2023 NEWS, LIFESTYLE, CONCEALED CARRY, FIREARMS Support NRA Women DONATE Take a Seat at the Second Amendment Table! – NRA Women.com Americans own guns for many reasons: hunting, recreational and competitive shooting, collecting, self-defense and personal protection, among…

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5 Ways to Stabilize your Rifle When Shooting

A person with a rifle in the air

There are various methods and products to help keep your steady as you ready your rifle to take a shot. Here are the basics. by HEIDI LYN RAO posted on March 22, 2023 NEWS, HOW-TO, TIPS & TACTICS, HUNTING, GEAR, FIREARMS Support NRA Women DONATE Shooting from the benchrest position is the most common position rifle shooters use. This is the first position…

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Underdog Cartridge? .243 Win for the Win

A woman is holding a rifle and aiming it.

Underdog Cartridge? .243 Win for the Win – NRA Women.com Largely mislabeled as a youth or “girl’s” cartridge these days, the long-lived .243 Winchester deserves respect for the number of big-game animals it can handle. The attempts to develop a .243 cartridge began in the 1940s, but the popular cartridge did not become a reality…

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5 Steps to Finding the Right Firearm Instructor—For You

A woman wearing a mask and holding something in her hand.

5 Steps to Finding the Right Firearm Instructor—For You – NRA Women.com You are the client, so you need to interview your firearm trainer the same as you would any contractor. Firearms instructors everywhere will tell you that business has never been better. With crime increasing in nearly every city in the United States, gun…

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The Forgotten Firearm: The Sporterized Rifle

A close up of the top of an old rifle

The Forgotten Firearm: The Sporterized Rifle – NRA Women.com Millions of surplus firearms flooded the firearm market at the end of World War II, providing sportsmen and women with some of the best rifles for hunting. by HEIDI LYN RAO posted on August 17, 2022 NEWS, FIREARMS Support NRA Women DONATE The end of World War II had an…

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Firearm Bluing: More Than Just a Pretty Finish

A close up of the trigger on an old gun

Firearm Bluing: More Than Just a Pretty Finish – NRA Women.com While aesthetically pleasing, bluing also has a functional purpose. Bluing is more than a beautiful finish on a firearm. It also serves as a functional protective layer that resists rust and other factors that could cause damage. The process of bluing is not a…

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Rifle Magazines: To Which Do You Subscribe?

A rifle with an extended magazine and a rail.

Rifle Magazines: To Which Do You Subscribe? – NRA Women.com Take the purpose of your rifle into account when deciding which magazine type is best. The Winchester lever-action is known as the rifle that won the West, but few people know why. The development in firearms that propelled the United States westward was the introduction of…

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Choosing the Right Rifle Barrel

A close up of two metal pipes on top of each other.

Choosing the Right Rifle Barrel – NRA Women.com Whether you are hunting, plinking or competitive shooting, the right barrel can help you achieve your shooting goals. The barrel is a critical component of any gun. There are three parts that make up every firearm: action, stock and barrel. The component that usually gets the most…

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